At the start of every year I seek the Lord for a keyword for the year--one word to focus on.
The word for 2018 was praise. And it was a challenging word indeed. Praise became a hard thing on January 17, the day I lost Faye. But, by God's grace I was able to press on. And the discipline of praise--every day--made a difference in my life. Pressing in to praising God regardless of circumstances has brought about growth and hope for joy.
My one word for 2018 is simplicity. Faye's brother Don actually advised me to simplify in a note passed on the day of her memorial service.
Simplicity might even be harder for me than praise. My life is cluttered with debris in almost every area of my life--much of it from the fallout of losing my Queen.
Let me explain the picture. It's from the movie The Avengers Infinity War. I am far from a comic book superhero geek by any means but I've been watching the movie off and on lately. It's been off and on because of my modest interest.
There's scene when The Guardians of the Galaxy (I have no way of explaining who they are--sorry) pass through the debris of a planet destroyed by super villain Thanos. Thor ends up splatting against the window of the Guardian spaceship.
I can relate. I am living with debris all around me.
My house is a mess. My eating habits are a mess. My time usage is a mess. I am living in debris. It is time for me to strip off all that clutter and simplify focussing on the things that matter and leaving aside junk that does not matter.
That will make it possible for me to again live fully as God intends. It's not easy but inch by inch, step by step I will do it.
Pressing on.
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