Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A memory that made me smile

I saw a mouse in the house today. It made me smile, not because I like mice or find them to be cute or amusing or any such things. I will certainly be mouse trap hunting today. But it reminded.

Faye hated mice with a passion. In fact she was terrified of mice.

One evening, shortly after we moved into our house in Alberta, I was getting ready for bed when I heard Faye shrieking in the kitchen. I thought she had some kind of accident, but when I went into the kitchen she was standing on the island screaming about a mouse. Now, I am not afraid of mice. I don't like them but they don't terrify but Faye had me a little freaked out.

The good news is we laid out a trap and we got the little beast, which got a freaked out Faye calling me to dispose of the body.

That's what always amused me. Faye was a nurse. She handled bodily fluids I wouldn't dream of touching but a dead mouse was outside her comfort zone. :)

I did fulfill a purpose in her life. :) :)

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