It was not incidental that Lewis called his book A Grief Observed, rather than just calling it Grief Observed.
He called it A Grief Observed because in it he was observing a particular and specific grief--his grief.
Grief, I feel, is always specific and particular, it is never universal. No, I'm sorry, that's not right. Grief certainly is universal but the experience is not universal/
This blog is specific and particular. It is about my particular grief in the wake of the death of the woman more for than any person in the world--my Faye.
Grief is specific and particular. That is not to say there are not lessons to be learned about grief. And that is not to say there are no ways to help walk people through their. And yes, there are people who learned about grief, about how it affects lives. And they can take grieving people by the hand and walk with them through their valley.
But, again, grief is specific and particular. As I share my particular grief over the loss of that particular person I pray it will be illuminating to others. And I pray it will touch hearts and minds and maybe, just maybe, bring encouragement. I feel I have been graced with a particular ability to dig into my heart and express my grief.
It is, however, A grief observed.
God bless and keep you.
Pressing on.