Thursday, August 16, 2018

This is hard work

Dealing with grief is hard work. Recovering my life consumes an enormous amount of energy. Whether I choose to focus energy on a grieving process, as I am doing, or you simply drift through life after serious it will consume energy.
It is tiring physically and it is emotionally draining to grieve.
And I can't book a weekend off. Grief doesn't work that way. I have good moments and even days. I am getting my life together. But thoughts of my sweetheart are never far away. And while memories are slowly getting sweeter sadness is rarely far away.
My point is--grief recovery is work. Hard work. And there is no time off.
I am dependent on the grace and love of God. And I keep moving forward, sometimes by millimetres a day.
But I do grind forward.


  1. I experienced over two years of bitter anguish after the death of our son in 2009 wanting only to be left completely alone to lift up my wife and young daughters. It changed who I am forever.

    I welcomed the grieving process when it FINALLY came. It for me was the light at the end of the darkest tunnel. I could finally push forward. Clinging was my only hope.

    Please know our prayer for you is not far away Tim.

  2. Thank you for that Bruce. I've been changed forever. I'm not the same person I was at the end of 2018.
