The thread of hope has been pulled out again.
Partly, I'm sure, is the fact that the sun is shining and spring is here.
It's also partly, at least, because of my dog and the fact I seem to have become the sun, moon and stars of her life. Who can explain that love but I tend to agree with the man who said something to the effect of wanting to be half the man his dog thinks he is.
In truth, however, it is something given by God in his grace and closing allied to faith and love.
So hope means that I am not hopeless, or lost, because God has me. And He is in control of my future. Hope is understanding that all things do work together for good for those who love the Lord.

Hope is confidence that seeds of life and joy are growing, even if they are below the surface.
Hope is stubborn faith and the refusal to give up, even when everything within me is screaming for me to just stop caring.
Hope is the energy to get up off the floor and keep acting, and praying and worshipping and expressing gratitude, including gratitude for 24 good years with a good woman.
Hope is firm confidence that my story has been finished. It is also confidence that Faye's story is continuing.
And so I press on.
Thank you again Tim for words of encouragement which often include a laugh or two. So glad you are a man of God. The support from the grief groups are wonderful, but an added benefit hearing from a believer. I would be "more" lost without the companionship of the dog we adopted before my husband passed. The Lord knew I would need that ball of love and fur to care for, an added reason to get up and going. You and Paisley deserve each other. Smiles to you.