It has been, without question, the worst 24 months of my life. And I honestly believe that is simply speaking out of reality, as opposed to self pity.
But it seems the Lord is directing me to start embracing life, to make that mountain my mountain and to embrace it as a holy mountain.
Now, he is talking to me about establishing new foundations to my life--or, to put it another way, to rebuild my foundations.
Life is entirely different for me now--entirely. The bedrock foundation of my faith in Christ Jesus has not, of course changed, but everything else is new. And it is time to put foundations in place for my life going forward.
I need structure. And I need fresh vision. I have a sense of what that will look like but I need foundations in place again, simply because the loss of Faye--who was part of my heart--devastated those foundations like an earthquake.
I am looking forward to the next steps in my life.
And I press on.
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