I wanted to get a dog a year ago but was advised to wait by friends. And, yes, I think that was wise.
Last year was my year of traveling a lot. This year I feel I need to focus on making my home feel like home again and making some money.
And so, I felt it was time.
My dog's name is Paisley and I still have a week or so to decide if I will keep her. There's definitely bonding happening so it seems to be heading that way.
There are challenges for sure. Working out a routine that works for both of us is more challenging than I expected. Being able to do productive work, while giving her the attention she needs is taking a bit of time to figure out but we will.
She is getting me outside more than I have in a long time. She is also getting me walking more than I have in a long time. But both were actually part of my motivation in getting her. So that's good. And she gives me a companion.
As everything seems to do, she makes me think of Faye. Whenever we dog sat the grand dog Faye would fuss about him. She loved him more than she let on but she fussed. "You're in the way. You're in the way."
I honestly can hear her voice "You're in the way, Paisley, You're in the way." And I smile.
And I press on.
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