Jesus is that pearl of great price--worth everything I have. He is a treasure of incalculable value.
Can I truly say Jesus is better than anything else in life? Is that a reality for me? Or is it just a thing that I can sing in one song or another.
The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell. So goes the classic hymn.
I can sing those words and they stir my heart. But do I know them to be true. Can I truly say those words with meaning.
The most precious person in my world was taken away from me 15 months ago. My life was literally ripped apart. But can I say the love of God is greater far...? Can I say that to know and to love Jesus is better?
It's a hard thing to say..but, yes, with grief in every syllable, yes I can say it--Jesus is better.
Here's the thing I honestly, painfully, can say that but only because of God speaking it to my heart, through his written word, through song, through what I know He has done for this world and for me.
Can I tell other grieving people Jesus is better?
That's a hard question to answer but it is an understanding God has birthed in my heart. I fear other people dealing with painful loss might not understand. So I give you my testimony and I leave it at that.
Pressing on.
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