Monday, October 29, 2018

Fighting for joy

I was asked yesterday how I'm doing. It was a sincere question from somebody who cares and wanted to know. If I felt he was probably just being polite I would have said something along the lines of being okay. In other words I would just provide an answer. If I felt the question was sincere but I wasn't sure if I wanted to get into it in any particular depth I would have answered with something along the lines of okayish or "I'm doing relatively well."

Both answers are honest but they are limited.

The answer which came spontaneously was "I'm fighting for joy." That answer was absolutely honest.

Truth is I'm in a fight. I'm still in a hard place 91/2 months after Faye's death. Joy is a fight for me.

I have complete faith I will, in God's grace, and with his help and the help of friends, I will know full joy again. I will win. I know that.

But, in reality, all of us are in a fight for joy. Life is hard at times. We need to battle for joy. The fight is worth it.

Press on.


  1. Your great, honest answer is always appreciated. I quite often ask someone "How are you and why?" which often takes them aback, temporarily. The quick answer of "good; okay; excellent; etc.", is acceptable in passing but the why portion is a conversation enhancer. Your answer of "fighting for joy" definitely enhances conversation. Thanks, Tim.

  2. Always enjoy your posts, Tim. We are always so inclined to just say, "fine thanks" or whatever. But when you know that the person asking is genuinely interested, it opens the door for a longer than normal answer.
