I'm listening to a book called The Insanity of Obedience. It cites an interesting statistic--single women outnumber single men on the mission field by seven to one.
As a newly single man this intrigues me. The author, Nik Ripken, suggests a number of explanations for this including the reality that men trained for and exploring full time ministry have options at home that women don't have.
But I have a thought. When I was a 30 something single man in church, leadership of that day treated me like I was weird. I believe I had the gifts and aptitude to be a contributor, and, with some mentorship the possible calling to leave the homeland behind and serve God elsewhere but it seemed the church of that time didn't know what to do with single people.
Well, here I am, single again and feeling hunger and longing.
So what lies ahead?
By the way no judging or bitterness involved just a reflection on the past.